Fertility Anointing Oil - Pomegranate 30 ml

Fertility Anointing Oil - Pomegranate 30 ml

Fertility Anointing Oil - Pomegranate 30 ml

30 ml/1 fl. oz.

Product Description

The Fertility Anointing Oil - Pomegranate in a 30 ml bottle is a specially crafted oil designed to promote fertility and symbolize abundance, fruitfulness, and new life. Pomegranate, a fruit rich in symbolism and historical significance, is often associated with fertility, prosperity, and blessings in various cultures and religious traditions.
Known for its symbolic representation of fertility and abundance, the pomegranate extract gives the oil its unique fragrance and spiritual significance.
The oil has a sweet, fruity, and slightly tangy aroma, creating a refreshing and uplifting scent. The fragrance is designed to evoke a sense of abundance, renewal, and hope. Used in rituals to bless and consecrate individuals or spaces, invoking fertility and abundance. Often used in ceremonies or personal rituals aimed at promoting fertility and blessings for new life.
Using this oil in spiritual practices connects users to the ancient symbolism of the pomegranate, enriching rituals with its profound meaning.
Pomegranate represents abundance, fruitfulness, and new beginnings, making it a meaningful addition to religious rituals and personal spiritual practices. It serves as a powerful symbol of hope, renewal, and divine blessing.


SKU: EG-61769
Size: 30 ml/1 fl. oz.
Brand: Ein Gedi

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