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Showing 1-32 out of 1093 items

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We take pride in the fact that the mezuzahs categories are one of the most frequently consulted sections on our website. So, if this is what you are looking for, we wish you a great shopping experience and thank you for choosing aJudaica.

Let's make it clear…

We offer for sale mezuzah scrolls and mezuzah cases - two separate items.

Our Kosher Mezuzah Scrolls

You will find on our website a selection of fully certified kosher mezuzah scrolls. In fact, we even employ on our premises an experienced scribe. Every scroll is handwritten on klaf, parchment, using a special quill and ink in a script that meets specific Torah requirements; a single error can invalidate the entire mezuzah. By the way, in case you have any doubts, some customers have even independently checked our Mezuzah and returned with positive reports. So, trust our recommendations!

Are Mezuzah scrolls on Amazon cheaper?

The answer is - Sometimes Yes! Unfortunately, the market is flooded with invalid worthless Mezuzah scrolls. There are even documented cases where the parchment was a piece of printed paper. We cannot check every cheap Amazon offer but we do urge you to give the Mezuzah scroll the respect it deserves and ensure that it comes with a recognized Kashrut certificate even if it means spending a little more. We are sure that it is also meaningful to you that the scroll was written and checked in Israel.

The Unique aJudaica Service

Our staff have been trained to offer assistance. So, if you need help or want more information on sizes or measurement, do not hesitate to call. Our service is our reputation. We take pride that so many of our customers are purchasing for the second, third time and more. We are confident you will join them too.

Mezuzah Case

Basically, the role of the mezuzah case is to hold the scroll securely on the doorpost and to protect it from dust and the elements. But, our customers also want an attractive mezuzah case that fulfills the commandment in the most aesthetic way possible. So, we offer almost one thousand samples on our website, appropriate for every style, decor and home.

For your convenience, we have categorized the selection according to material, designer, popularity or cost. You will find attractive mezuzah cases of anodized aluminum, stainless steel, nickel or silver plate, wood, glass and modern style plastic. There is a choice of sizes ranging from miniature to extra-large, each one with the length of the scroll to be inserted. You will find luxurious and standard style - there is something for every taste and pocket.

AJudaica takes pride to be a window to the world for the Mezuzah case designs of many of Israel's leading Judaica artists. To name but a few… Dorit Judaica and Yair Emanuel remain firm favorites. Michal Ben Yosef specializes in ceramics, Itay Mager and Friekmannder work with glass. Avner Agayof's products are always exclusive. Iris Design is gaining popularity together with Laura Cowan. We have many others too and regularly add new names - each artist chosen for his individual unique style.

The variety of designs and colors is endless. Favorites are those that incorporate Jewish motifs – Star of David, Menorah, Choshen, pomegranates and the always beloved Jerusalem images. Engravings with Hebrew blessings and prayer words are also popular. We love the selection of charming mezuzah cases for children with their colorful trendy designs. For customers looking for a contemporary style, appropriate for a modern-style home, Adi Sidler's mezuzah cases have a striking minimalist style and customer keep coming back for more of his designs.

Together with the brand name designs, you will find a large selection of low-cost elegant sturdy designs produced by reputable companies in Israel.

More on the Mezuzah Case

Perhaps you are wondering why most mezuzah cases incorporate in their outer design the letter "shin", or the three Hebrew letters: "shin", "daled" and "yud". This refers to one of the holy names of the Almighty – a reminder of the Divine nature of the scroll inside. The three letters are an acronym for three Hebrew words "Shomer De'latot Hashem" – the A-mighty guards our doors! Which is what the Mezuzah, hanging on the door, is all about!

Closing the door!

The holy handwritten kosher mezuzah scroll, attached to the doorposts of a permanent residence or place of work, bring blessing and protection to the Jewish home. Rather than a good luck charm, we urge you to see it as an expression of Jewish identity, a badge that declares, "I am Jewish and proud of it!"

If the mezuzah case you have chosen expresses your individual style and taste, we are confident that it will bring you endless pleasure and inspiration. If you intend it for a friend or relative, it is a most meaningful gift - a beautiful way to express good wishes and blessings in the spirit of Jewish tradition.

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1 Imrei Baruch st. Bnei Brak 56109 Israel