Talit & Tefillin Bags

The perfect way to preserve and honor your tallit and tefillin - in one of our matching velvet tallit and tefillin bag sets.

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Tallit and Tefillin Bags

A Tefillin bag holds a Jew’s most precious possession – his Tefillin. He receives his first pair at his Bar Mitzvah when reaches the age of thirteen. As the years pass and he moves on to adolescence and manhood, there are changes in his tastes and lifestyle. But the daily ritual of donning Tefillin never changes. This is his identity kit – a constant reminder as the day begins that he is a Jew and G-d’s presence is with him at all times.

Tefillin are costly. They enclose hand-written parchments on which G-d fearing scribes, familiar with the intricate Jewish laws, have carefully written the Biblical verses that are enclosed in the black Tefillin boxes placed on the head and the arm. To protect the precious Tefillin and to express your appreciation of their importance, you will want to store them in a special Tefillin bag.

We bring you a selection of Tallit and Tefillin bags. They are made from quality velvet – the fabric of choice that is always popular. They feature traditional embroidery designs – geometric shapes in the center or the corner, decorated flowers, swirls or crowns. On most of them, the word “Tallit” or “Tefillin” is embroidered in Hebrew in the center. Colors are dark blue or royal blue – always favorites.

So, choose one for your Bar Mitzvah boy and why not choose one for yourself too. If you are still using your Bar Mitzvah Tefillin Bag, perhaps it is time for a change – refresh your morning ritual with a new low-cost Tefillin Bag from the Tefillin.biz collection.

An optional extra is to embroider your name on the bag. We warmly recommend this, especially if you pray in a school or public place where you will need to identify your Tefillin. Many add a note inside with more contact details so that in the event of loss, the owner can be traced.

The Mitzvah of donning Tefillin has been observed faithfully throughout the centuries. Incredible stories are told how Jews risked their lives and underwent perilous risks in order to wear their Tefillin. Many times – in Communist Russia, in the Nazi death camps or in occupied territories – the danger was so great, that Tefillin were often donned, the blessing recited and they were then removed.

Often there was a long line of people waiting, anxious to observe the Mitzvah, even though they knew the risks it entailed.

The importance of Tefillin can never be overrated. As a great Rabbi once wrote, “This religious act performed daily has done more to preserve and to further the high morality of our people than all the books on ethics that have ever been written!” (Rabbi Meir Jung)

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