Tefillin Peshutim Mehudarim - Ashkenaz Version

By Peer Hastam
Tefillin Peshutim Mehudarim - Ashkenaz Version
Tefillin Peshutim Mehudarim - Ashkenaz Version
Tefillin Peshutim Mehudarim - Ashkenaz Version
Tefillin Peshutim Mehudarim - Ashkenaz Version
Tefillin Peshutim Mehudarim - Ashkenaz Version
Tefillin Peshutim Mehudarim - Ashkenaz Version
Tefillin Peshutim Mehudarim - Ashkenaz Version
Tefillin Peshutim Mehudarim - Ashkenaz Version

Tefillin Peshutim Mehudarim - Ashkenaz Version

By Peer Hastam
Dominant Hand:
Hand Strap Wrapping Style:

Product Description

These Peshutim Mehudarim Tefillin are a favorite choice for Bar Mitzvah boys. They are Halachically simple but aesthetically enhanced, have lighter, 32 mm batim due to the goat hide used to make them instead of the more expensive (yet more durable) cowhide and are made of a single piece of hide as required. Despite the goat hide used, the Tefillin look almost identical to Tefillin made of cowhide.

The Tefillin are Kosher, made in Israel by "Pe'er HaSTaM" and proofread by an expert as well as by computer. The Tefillin come with authorized certification that vouches for the computer proofreading as well as certification verifying the Kashruth of the Tefillin.

Right or Left Handed:
If you are right-handed you wear the Tefillin on the left arm whereas if you are left-handed you wear the Tefillin on the right arm.

Ktav Beit Yossef or Ari?
Ktav Beit Yossef - generally used by those following Ashkenazi tradition, from Germany, England, Russia, Lithuanian
Ashkenazi Ari Zal - generally used by those following Chassidic Sefard tradition, from Poland, Galicia, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia

Outwards or Inwards Wrapping Style:
Outwards wrapping style usually goes with Ktav Ari
Inwards wrapping style usually goes with Ktav Beit Yossef.


Made in Israel by "Pe'er HaSTaM"
Certified Kosher and Proofread
32mm Batim
Preparation time: 3-5 days

Additional Items

Dark Blue Velvet Tefillin Bag
Dark Blue Velvet Tallit & Tefillin Bags Set
Black Velvet Kippah
Tefillin Prayer with Mirror
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Special Features

Embroider a name on Kippah - (extra 4 days on delivery, price per letter)
You may choose to write either in Hebrew or English or both
Embroider a name on Tallit Bag - (extra 4 days on delivery, price per letter)
You may choose to write either in Hebrew or English or both
Embroider a name on Tefillin Bag (extra 4 days on delivery, price per letter)
You may choose to write either in Hebrew or English or both
Upgrade to Retzuos Elyon (top hide straps)

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